Conquering Cancer event

with the European Commission Horizon Results Platform and Business Angels Europe, together with the European Innovation Council

28th April 2023 10:00 - 11:45 CEST


Business Angels Europe, together with the European Innovation Council (EIC) and the European Commission's Horizon Results Platform, is bringing you an e-pitching event relative to Cancer, one of the five key Horizon Europe Missions. Leading examples of EU-funded, science-focused research results will pitch their case to European investors, with the aim of obtaining more funding.

  1. Opening of the seminar 10:00

  2. Pitch and Q&A 10:15

    Glycanostics s.r.o.WebsiteHRP Page
  3. Pitch and Q&A 10:30

  4. Pitch and Q&A 10:45

  5. Pitch and Q&A 11:00

  6. Pitch and Q&A 11:15

  7. Closing of the webinar 11:30

  8. End of the webinar 11:45

Conquering Cancer event with the European Commission Horizon Results Platform and Business Angels Europe, together with the European Innovation Council.

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