Conquering Cancer event

with the European Commission Horizon Results Platform and Business Angels Europe, together with the European Innovation Council

28th April 2023 10:00 - 11:45 CEST


This year's jury is composed of 4 members, each with a different background and expertise. During Q&A they will challenge the companies with their questions.

Francesca Natali


META Group and META Ventures

Francesca Natali manages co-investment risk capital funds in Italy, Poland and Slovenia. Since its inception Ms Natali managed all the activities of MV: fundraising among private investors over 25 million euro, actively engaging in deal flow generation, scouting, investment and divestment selection, administrative and control functions. As an Investment Director, she seats in the board of directors of MV portfolio companies. She is member of the screening committee of Women 4 Angels, the leading Italian female business angel club. Francesca graduated cum Laude in Economics and Banking at Siena University with a master’s degree in International Business Communication.

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Michele Marzola

Biotech Investor

Member of Italian Angels for Growth

Michele Marzola is a Serial Entrepreneur, Business Angel and Private Investor, he has created new companies and raised funds for taking them to success, structuring deals and negotiating all terms. Michele has the following leadership roles:

  • Founder & Chief Executive, Interceptin, Verona – Therapeutic and diagnostic solutions for prostate cancer, pancreatic cancer, stomach, bladder and colorectal cancers
  • Founder & Chairman, XSurgical Inc., Boston, MA – surgical robotics taken to the open field for increasing clinical and operational effectiveness during emergencies
  • Director, Green Bone Ortho srl, Faenza – Developer of biomimetic bone tissues capable of resolving major fractures
  • European Commission - Accredited reviewer for FP7 and H2020 projects in the fields of ICT, Life Sciences and Innovation

Michele was previously Vice-President and General Manager at IBM Global Services (Milan and Paris) and Principal at Booz, Allen & Hamilton, where he led the Mergers & Acquisitions activities and the Strategy Consulting practice in Milan and in London. Michele earned his MBA at Columbia Graduate School of Business in New York with the Dean’s List and the Beta Gamma Sigma honour society. He is also Doctor in Mechanical Engineering. Leads negotiations in English, French and Spanish, besides his native Italian.

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Alain Pujol

President France Angels

Board Member Angels Santé

Alain PUJOL is a seasoned Business Angel having invested in 20 startups, he is the Co-President of France Angels (the French Business Angels networks federation with more than 60 networks). He is also a Board Member of Angels Santé/Angels for Health, a BA network specialized in Healthcare where he focuses on international relations. Angels Santé/Angels for Health is the largest Business Angels Network in Europe investing in healthcare companies (from Biotech to Medtech, Diagnostics, eHealth, etc). It is located in Paris, France and investing mostly in France but expanding to Europe. Alain is also the founder of APHC Consulting, specialized in open innovation. His expertise is mostly in Diabetes, CV and Oncology. Before APHC Consulting, Alain spent more than 20 years in international business positions (general management including medical affairs, marketing, sales, business development and market access) in large pharmaceutical companies (Sanofi and Aventis) and in a biotech startup (CEO of Digestar) and in a specialty devices/pharmaceutical startup (VP Europe INO Therapeutics). Angels Santé/Angels for Health is a member of Business Angels Europe Club, a group of leading business angel networks across Europe.

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René Reijtenbagh

Co-founder and vice president

Dutch Business Angels Association, BAN Nederland

"René Reijtenbagh  is also CEO of Business Angels Connect, a Benelux business angels platform for the sectors Agro-Food, Health and (bio-) Chemistry. The network cooperates with the Dutch Topsector Chemistry and Agri-food.  For the Health sector Business Angels Connect is the Benelux lead for the EIT Health Investors Network. Business Angels Connect is founding member of the BAE club and does have cooperations with several Business Angels Networks in Germany like Angelengine in Düsseldorf en Business Angels Argenthur Ruhrgebiet in Essen.  

René is vice president of Business Angels Europe (BAE) responsible for the Cross border Cooperation initiatives. René studied Economic Geography at the Radboud University of Nijmegen and followed a Business Administration program on innovation management at the TSM Business school in Enschede, the Netherlands."

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Conquering Cancer event with the European Commission Horizon Results Platform and Business Angels Europe, together with the European Innovation Council.

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